Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sorry, Nelson's been busy...

Wow, it's been nearly three weeks since our last check-in.  I am sure the grandparents are wondering if we gave up on this venture.  I'm also sure the rest of you could have gone another three weeks and not missed the blog - sorry if we overpost.  It's been an eventful three weeks.  Nelson has had his first real cold - we're sure as a result of "school".  He has spent much of the last three weeks with serious congestion, so Kristen and I have literally been sucking snot out of that little nose.  Nosefrida is the magic cure and is strangely gratifying for Mom & Dad.  It's a long tube that we insert into Nelson's nostril and literally suck from the other end.  It works 10x better than your grandmother's bulbs, but Nelson is beginning to think of it as some sort of medieval torture device.  I can't believe I've spent this much time talking about snot.  If you have a little one, get it... or if you would just like to suck the snot out of our own nose (or spouse's), check it out (and then please get help).

I took the below shot with an 11mm lens a couple of weeks ago.  Nelson was sitting on my chest and I probably snapped this 3 inches from his face, but with the wide angle lens, it's wide open... but you'll notice his face looks pudgier.  When that close, a wide angle will distort the image.  That's about the only way we're having success putting "weight" on the little guy.  I blurred the image and then another in black and white.

Post-bath in his chicken towel.  Love these shots - especially the one with his mother.  

We visited Kristen's family for our nephew Camp's 4th birthday last weekend.  We took a couple of shots of the Granny Diane and Grandpa Mike with the cousins.

Kristen and I celebrate our 8-year anniversary in the week ahead and Nelson turns 5-months old!!  More posts on that later this week, I am sure.

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