Sunday, August 14, 2011

Big boy toys & reflux...

Nelson had a big weekend last weekend.  We decided to see if he'd be ready for his jumper and activity center a few weeks early.  The two toys are meant for babies four months and up, but with Nelson's height we thought he might be ready for them, so Brian assembled them and we tested them out.

The jumper is an ingenious concept that you all probably know about.  It's a soft seat harnessed by four cords that attach to a bungy.  The bungy is then mounted to a doorframe in order for the baby to bounce up and down, encouraging them to walk and jump.  We decided that if Nelson has any hope of dunking a basketball ("white man's disease", the inability to jump, is passed down from father to son), we need to get his calves developed.  He loved it.  Here's a couple of shots.

The activity center doesn't appear to have changed in years.  My only complaint is that should you error in putting the toys in the wrong place, they are impossible to get back out without seemingly ripping the thing apart (in other words, read the instructions...). We might have been a little aggressive getting Nelson into the activity center.  We think his neck muscles and core might need a bit of development yet.  Maybe we will get him into pilates to get that accelerated.

Finally, I snapped a few shots of Nelson in his crib yesterday before putting him down for a nap.  They were too cute not to post, but that's not the real reason they are here.  Nelson has had some issues keeping his food down.  Obviously, all babies spit up.  Nelson takes it to another level.  It doesn't seem to hurt him, so the pediatrician doesn't think it's reflux, but the volume is excessive.  I've caught it on film.  Needless to say, we had to change the sheets...

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! He has changed so much! I can't wait for Thursday!
