Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bathtime and Bumbo

Well, we don't know much about Nelson's likes and dislikes yet, but one thing we know he loves are baths.  Nothing can settle the little guy down like setting him in his Puj in the sink with warm water rushing over him.  If he loves baths this much now, I suspect Nelson might have an affinity for the spa someday like his Mom and Dad.  I caught a few images in a recent bath (no worries, we were sure to make sure these were G-rated).  As you can see, he doesn't much like getting out of the bath.

With Nelson's neck muscles being strong enough to support his head, we got Nelson in his Bumbo this week for the first time to get him a good "core workout".  He was NOT excited about the prospect of the Bumbo in his first experience with it, but seemed to really enjoy it this morning when I snapped these photos.  I am sure that Nelson's core is well on it's way to being ripped (unlike Dad's).

1 comment:

  1. What a cute/wet and contented guy! Keep the pics coming

    Carol and Randy
